
Κηφισίας 331, Κηφισιά,14561,Ελλάδα

Tηλ: (+30) 210 6250001

email: ccg2014@otenet.gr


nokia_pictures_152The Annual Tennis Tournament which was held on the 8th October 2011 at the Athens Lawn Tennis Club was successfully completed.

Participants of 12 Countries gave their best performance and enjoyed the most friendly atmosphere under the professional supervision of Mr. Leon Pahiacos.
The event ended with the award ceremony followed by a toast of Greek wine and Greek cuisine specialties prepared by the restaurant of the Club.
Each winner sang a traditional song of his Country and the meeting concluded leaving a warm spirit of friendship.


The results of the games are as follows, with the Honorary Consul of Botswana successfully withholding the title of the Consular Corps Champion for the second running year.

Men’s Singles

1st  Award        Mr. N. Polychroniou – Hon. Consul of Botswana

2nd  Award       Mr. I. Povzyk – Counsellor Embassy of Ukraine


Men’s Doubles

1st  Award        H.E Mr. T. N. Montes de Oca – Ambassador of Mexico

                        Mr. C. Font – Calderon – Counsellor Embassy of Spain

2nd  Award       H.E Mr. D. Zupanjevac – Ambassador of Serbia

                         Mr. N. Polychroniou – Hon. Consul of Botswana


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