Events and Calendar
General Assembly and Elections 16th December 2008
Mrs. Ekaterina Kalogeropoulos-Armenakis, Honorary Consul General of Ethiopia, was

nominated by the Founders and Honorary Presidents and Members of the Consular Corps Greece (CCG) for the position of the President – Candidate for the period of 2008-2010. Mrs. Kalogeropoulos-Armenakis was duly elected by the 38 members present, without having recourse to 98 written declaration of support.
Mrs. Kalogeropoulos-Armenakis introduced her Board including Peter Hofmann (Embassy of Germany) as Vice-President, John Constantinidis (Hon Consul of Finland) as Secretary, Stavros Galanakis (Hon. Consul of the Maldives) as Treasurer and Alexander Kornilov (Embassy of Russia), Mohamed M.Mahmoud (Embassy of Egypt), Maurice Gormazano (Hon.Consul of Monaco), Mrs. Dia Capsi (Hon.Consul of the Czech Republic), Loucas Ellinas (Hon.Vice Consul of the Seychelles) and Eleni Vassou (Hon. Consul of the Mauritius) as further Members.
Mrs. Kalogeropoulos-Armenakis outlined her program for the next year, stating that her single most important objective was to preserve the unity of the Consular Corps (which is currently threatened by a breakaway group).
She stressed that the services offered and events organized by the Corps would be accessible to all Honorary Consuls and Career members of the Consular Sections of the Embassies, and promised to lead the Corps in the traditional, service-oriented spirit of its founding members.
Her presentation was greeted with long applause and the whole-hearted support of the Honorary Presidents.
The services which will be offered by CCG during the next two years include
• Receptions, the first of which will be the “Vassilopita cutting” reception.
• Working luncheons with well known personalities from the political, cultural and business communities.
• Informal meetings, such as “tavern night” and “country jazz”
• Gala Dinners, Exhibitions and a trip to Mount Athos.
• Discounts in 4 and 5 star hotels around Greece. CCG will recommence securing discounts for all Diplomats accredited to Greece, Honorary Consuls and all Greek Diplomats at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as their official guests and reissue the 50-60 page colored prospectuses outlining the full facilities of the 100-150 hotels and ther prices, as they did up to 2002.
• Diving courses leading to the internationally recognizes American “Padi” diving license. The courses will be in English and the diving instructors will be British and Dutch. Here members will have the opportunity to discover the crystal clean underwater world of Greece.
• Sailing courses in English leading to a Greek internationally recognized sailing license. With such a license it is possible to rent a sailing boat and spend, with a couple of your friends, the most exciting and adventurous holiday you ever had, spending each day in a different island, without spending much more than the cost os a good hotel. Plus a one-day Sailing Regatta.
• Tennis and golf tournaments.