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email: ccg2014 @ otenet.gr

Events and Calendar

Official visit to Thessaloniki_20_11_2017

thes1 The President and the Board of Directors of the Consular Corps in Greece realized their first official visit to the city of Thessaloniki. During their stay in this city they met with the Authorities of Northern Greece and the city of Thessaloniki.

President of the CCG Capt. Nikolaos Soutos, Vice-president Mr. Harry Vafias, Secretary General Mr. Miguel Capuano and Board members Mr. Christos Vardikos, Mrs. Vicky Pantazopoulou accompanied by Ms.Rebecca Fong, Consul General of the USA in Thessaloniki, Mrs. Margarita Ignatidou Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic in Thessaloniki and Mr. Marko Suomalainen, Honorary Consul of Finland in Thessaloniki met firstly with the Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dimitris Papandreou, to whom they presented the history and the main tasks of the Consular Corps in Greece.


Then they were introduced to Ms. Katerina Notopoulou, director of the Prime Minister's office in the city, assisted by special advisor Mr. Ioannis Antoniadis, with whom the board members exchanged important views about the collaboration on several issues that can be developed between countries the Corps  members represent  and Northern Greece in the fields of tourism, commerce, society and culture. The members visited then Mr. Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Governor of the Region of Central Macedonia, with whom they exchanged interesting views about the development of the region and the collaboration this could have with the Consuls and the countries they represent.


thes5Following that meeting the members continued their official visit at the office of Mr. Yiannis Boutaris, Mayor of Thessaloniki. During his presentation, the Mayor spoke about the historical facts of his city, the international activities and the future perspectives. He also mentioned the collaboration this Municipality has with Consulates. Last but not least, the Board paid a visit to Metropolitan of Thessaloniki Anthimos who spoke about the Byzantine history of the city and mentioned the important work this Metropolis is doing in favor of the local community.

In the same evening the Consular Corps of Greece finalized its first official visit to the city hosting a warm and beautiful reception at the central Macedonia Palace hotel. The reception was attended by Mayor Boutaris, representatives of the political and administrative Authorities, the Naval and Military Head officers of Thessaloniki, businessmen and of course all the members of the Consular Corps accredited to the city.thes2


thes4  In his speech President Soutos greeted the guests, spoke about the meetings the board had during that morning and thanked warmly Mrs Ignatidou, Mrs. Manta, Hon Consul of     Jordan and Mr. Suomalainen for all their important help for arranging  the visits. Then Mayor Boutaris saluted the audience mentioning the close collaboration his Municipality is   having with the local Consuls and called for a closer collaboration with the Consular Corps of Greece. Last but not least Mr. Martin Salamon, Consul of Romania and Dean of the   Consuls in Thessaloniki greeted the guests and warmly thanked the President and members of the CCG on their official visit and hospitality.    


Authorities and consuls expressed their great satisfaction for the successful visit, an event which opens new perspectives to the assignments of the Consular Corps in Greece that showed its will to be present and collaborate with consuls all over in Greece.