Past Board of Directors


Board of Directors 2014-2016


Captain Nikolaos Soutos

Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Liberia

First Vice President

Mrs Ekaterini Kalogeropoulos Armenakis

Honorary Consul of the Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Second Vice President

Mr. Munther Awad Abuobead

Consul of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Secretary General

Mr. Miguel Ricardo Capuano Molho

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Nicaragua


Mrs. Artemis Papatheodorou

Honorary Consul of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Members of the Board

Dr. Jose Enrique Sienra Barbani

Consul of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Mr. Maurice Gormezano

Honorary Consul of Monaco

Dr. Ioannis Lyras

Honorary Consul of the Federative Republic of Brazil

Mr. Christos Kontoveros

Honorary Consul of Chile


Mrs. Genoveva Bernard de Roidis

Consul General of the Dominican Republic

Mr. Christos Vardikos

Honorary Consul of the Commonwealth of Dominica

 Board of Directors 2012 - 2014


Mrs. Ekaterina Kalogeropoulos Armenakis
Honorary General Consul of Ethiopia
First Vice President
Mr. Cristian Font Calderón
Counselor, Embassy of Spain

Second Vice President
Mr. Fernando Sandoval Flores
Minister Counselor, Embassy of Mexico

Secretary General
Mr. Miguel Ricardo Capuano M.
Honorary Consul of Nicaragua

Dr. Yiannis Lyras
Honorary Consul of Brazil

Members of the Board
Mr. Mohammed El Mahdi
Consul, Embassy of Egypt

Mr. Maurice Gormezano
Honorary Consul of Monaco

R. Adm. Stylianos Anastopoulos
Honorary Consul of the Bahamas
Mr. Loucas A. Ellinas
Honorary Consul of the Seychelles

Mrs. Genoveva Bernard de Roidis
General Consul of the Dominican Republic

Mr. Michail D. Kokkinis
Honorary Consul of Poland

Alternate Member
Mr. Christos Kontoveros
                Honorary Consul of Chile                

Board of Directors 2010 - 2012


Mrs. Ekaterina Kalogeropoulos Armenakis
Honorary General Consul of Ethiopia

Vice President

Mr. Cristian Font Calderón
Counsellor, Embassy of Spain

Secretary General

Mr. John Constantinidis
Honorary Consul of Finland


Mr. Stavros Galanakis
Honorary Consul General of Maldives

Members of the Board

 Mr. Maurice Gormezano
Honorary Consul of Monaco

Mr. Alexander Kornilov
First Secretary, Embassy of the Russian Federation

Mr. Miguel Capuano Molho
Honorary Consul of Nicaragua

Mr. Loucas A. Ellinas
Honorary Consul of Seychelles

 Mr. Christos Kontoveros
Honorary Consul of Chile

Mrs Helen Vassos
Honorary Consul of Mauritius


Mrs Genoveva Bernard de Roidis                                 Mr.Stylianos Anastopoulos
Consul General of Dominican Republic                         Honorary Consul of Bahamas


Board of Directors 2008-2010



Ekaterina Kalogeropoulou Armenakis
Honorary Consul General of Ethiopia

Vice President
Hans- Peter Hoffmann
Counsellor, Embassy of Germany

John Constantinidis
Honorary Consul of Finland

Stavros Galanakis
Honorary Consul General of Maldives

Alexander Kornilov
First Secretary, Embassy of Russia

Mohammed Mahmoud
Consul, Embassy of Egypt

Maurice Gormezano
Honorary Consul of Monaco

Dia Capsi
Honorary Consul of Czech Republic

Loucas Ellinas
Honorary  Consul of Seychelles

Eleni Vassou
Honorary Consul of Mauritius

Please find below the list of the Members of the Board of Directors since 1990.

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